The Intersection of PANDAS/PANS with Lyme Disease and Bartonellosis

CME pending. This course explores the multiple hits model of illness, the overlapping symptomatology of Borrelia and Bartonella infections, and the limitations of diagnostic testing for these conditions. It also hypothesizes how PANDAS/PANS symptoms might result from a wide variety of triggers, both infectious and non-infectious.


Charlotte Mao MD, MPH
Invisible International


This course explores the multiple hits model of illness, the overlapping symptomatology of Borrelia and Bartonella infections, and the limitations of diagnostic testing for these conditions.  It also hypothesizes how PANDAS/PANS symptoms might result from a wide variety of triggers, both infectious and non-infectious.

Learning objectives

  1. Review historical scientific background that laid foundation for concept of PANDAS/PANS, including commonalities with Sydenham’s chorea
  2. Develop ability to recognize and diagnose neuropsychiatric manifestations of Lyme borreliosis and bartonellosis and understand significant overlap with PANDAS/PANS symptoms
  3. Review some key features of Bartonella infection, including concepts of latent, asymptomatic infection and “stealth” pathogenesis
  4. Describe proposed mechanisms of PANDAS/PANS pathogenesis, including my personal hypothesis of how Bartonella might play a central role in more cases than generally appreciated
  5. Understand limitations of serologic testing and interpretation criteria for diagnosis of Borrelia and Bartonella infection and importance of clinical diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis and bartonellosis

CME Credit Pending. Application for CME credit has been filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians. Determination of credit is pending.


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Breitschwerdt EB, Diagnosis of Bartonella species infections, Invisible International CME course 2024

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Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • 2 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate